Join us at the War Memorial Building on March 11th for the 8th Annual SPMS Main Event Poker Tournament! Enjoy a great night with friends and help support SPMS Athletic Boosters. Our goal is to foster school spirit by giving all students an opportunity to interact and support each other. Whether playing or being a fan cheering on their friends, all students can benefit from Athletic Boosters.
The $125 buy-in includes 2,500 chips, dinner, and beverages — or for just $25 come eat, drink, socialize and enjoy the free blackjack. If you can’t make it this year, please consider a $25 donation. Parents, neighbors, friends or relatives, whether you just want to try your hand at the card table, or you’re a card shark, we promise a fun evening for everyone.
For more information and to register: SPMS Main Event Poker Tournament
*we’ve sold out of poker seats for the last 2 events, so get your ticket now!